Anyone ever been in a similar situation?


So... in September I had surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy. I got pregnant in January and am currently a few days past 6 weeks. I had an ultrasound yesterday because my doctor wanted to confirm it wasn’t another ectopic. There was a gestational sac & yolk sac... not too worried about there not being a baby yet because I know everyone is so different at this stage and things progress quickly (hopefully). HOWEVER, my doctor called later in the day and said it looks as though my ovary is keeping around the cyst that released the egg (not a huge deal, they usually go away on their own), issue is... I had one on each ovary. So they are under the impression both released an egg. There was only one gestational sac and yolk sac, so they think I have a heterotopic pregnancy (one in the uterus/one ectopic).

My question is... has anyone out there experienced this? With my first ectopic I was already experiencing pain at this point and my first ultrasound HURT... so bad that I was almost in tears. So far everything has been fine with this pregnancy. I also was told I have a tipped uterus (never been told that before), I’m hoping MAYBE they just couldn’t see the other sac? I dunno. Just looking for advice from someone who has maybe been through this. Sorry this post is so long!