Very light spotting?

Ashlee • Mrs. Watts 💍 7/29/17 👧🏼 5/3/13 👼🏼4/1/17 My 🌈 👶🏼 3/6/19

So I’m 34 weeks and huge tmi but this morning I was feeling well enough for me and the husband to do the deed and I had noticed when I went to the bathroom maybe 5 minutes ago there was a small pink dot (what looks like blood to me) but nothing else, it kinda freaked me out (I have been waiting for my mucus plug) and bub is moving just fine, noticed this morning that he has actually dropped he’s a lot lower than the last few days so I’m wondering could this be just from an irritated cervix from sex or should I go call my doctor?

I feel like I shouldn’t be too worried, not feeling really heavy cramps or BH contractions or anything. But over the last few days I have.