Trying again


Hello ladies..hope u are all well...well let me start by saying i am scared to try again after 1 ectopic..2nd miscarrage..and 3rd miscarrage that happened on 8th jan 2019..which was 15 weeks and i was happy over the moon until devastating news came at my 14th week scan that baby had hydro(fluid around skull and abdomen) then refered to kings hospital for more checkups which didnt happen when i arrived told me no heart beat(it broke me so bad)..had the medical way to terminate which was awful..the pain that i have never had in life(they said labour pain)if thats the pain then all mothers bless u🤗😍..the results came out baby had edward syndrome couldnt cut it short it i just started my periods fear is am i ready to try again?is there anyone went through same situation?it sounds weired but sometimes i wake up at night and remember that i am not pregnant anymore..if u ever went through miscarrage u will know how i feel... so ladies when can i try so scared pls help..thanks