Gender disappointment..

Rachel • 🖤 Stay at home Mom & wife. Girl #3 on the way 💜

So.. I went for a private scan at 13 weeks (I'm having my first ultrasound at dr to date pregnancy tomorrow finally but pretty well knew I was 13 weeks by conception) because doctor scared me by not finding babies heartbeat on doppler and didn't follow it up with an ultrasound.

During the ultrasound the lady checked girl/boy parts just for fun eventhough we know it was still early. Every bit looked full girl. Three lines and all. It's not such a big deal to me.

We have a 12 year old girl and an 18 month old girl. However.. everyone. My husband all my family both sides want a boy. My side only has one boy. All I hear is that I "need" a boy to be complete. My husband comments he is happy either way but would want to try again for a boy.

I'm just feeling baby will be another girl and I'm happy honestly either way.. yes I would love a boy. But I love my girls. Just dealt with all them being upset by 18 month old wasn't a girl. My 12yearold daughter was the worst about "another girl".

Just needed to vent. I hate how the world even in 2019 still seems to discount girls worth.