We're on a roll today...

M • Loving life! ❤️✌️
First diaper change of the morning my son hoses down me, his changing table, and himself with pee. Wonderful. So I lay him on my bed while I clean it all up (he shares a room with us) and he proceeds to spit up all over my sheets. Fabulous. So at this  point I figure he's in need of a bath so we get through that fairly uneventfully, he breastfeeds his breakfast, and takes a nice nap while I get some laundry done. He wakes up from said nap with an exploding 
poo diaper. Really?! So I get him all cleaned up but before I get the clean diaper on he projectile poops all over! Yeah and I mean all over, we're talking even on the curtains and rocking chair ottoman...
Some days you just gotta laugh or you're going to cry 😂
He's now fed and napping again but looking pretty proud of himself haha!