Pigeon toeing/ out toeing


So recently my son has been told he has severe pigeon/out toeing. The majority is in his right foot but its present in both. He turmed 1 last month and weve always noticed he kind of walked funny when he started to couch surf and walk around even in his walker at a younger age. (His right foot seems to be bigger in size as if its swollen 24/7, there is a weird bump as if his ankle bone rests way to low.) Amd when he crawls he always tends to drag his right foot behind instead of putting much weight on it. (Constantly babies it pretty much)

About a week ago we finally got to see him actually walk by himself and his feet seemed to have bowed more with all his weight being supported on himself amd now he refuses to do any walking again unless hes being held up to walk and being supported.

His doctor has talked a bit about sending him to a pediatric surgeon in the next few months if we cant get any progress so im just wondering if anyone else has had any of this type of situation and did it require surgery or what ended up happening?

Sorry for the long post!