The kind of relationship goals I've always wanted !😍😍😍😁


So I've had some really bad relationship s in the past. LIKE OMG! ANYWAYS! The guy I am currently seeing is one of my best friends I have known him since middle school. We've always been friends but never took it to the next level. I was cheated on by my ex-boyfriend. While confiding in my now current boyfriend about ex-boyfriend! Current boyfriend says what if I was your boyfriend you wouldn't have to worry about being treated like that!πŸ€” Needless to say took his adviceβœŒπŸ’¨BEEN the best advice I've ever taken. when I say you guys I am so happyπŸ˜πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™ so happy! Not only am I overall😍 happy! THIS MORNING I'm happy because I came back from orientation at another job and came home to this!πŸ‘‡

😍😁Which I am so grateful for because I was starving!πŸ€€πŸ€£πŸ€—