So confused


Okay,sooo....I posted this before but only one person responded..I would love your opinion

My last full period was Dec 4th-8th. Then the next one didn’t start until January 15th. I bled heavy with painful cramps just one day and the heavily spotted the next two days. The day after AF, January 18th, I experienced lower abdomen cramping, lower back pain, tender breasts, and sore nipples. It’s still happening right now except I’m extremely fatigued and excessively hungry.

I’ve tested 5 times and received BFN. I went to the doctor Monday....this is where it gets a little wonky:

I tested at the doctors office, get a negative. Doc gave me prenatal vitamins and told me I could be pregnant. I told her I had a period, she said the bleeding could’ve been from ovulation. By virtue of what she said, my last period was in Dec. i should def be showing a BFP now, right?!

I feel like I’m ovulating now and according to my apps, I am. I have an ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday.

Does this sound familiar to you ladies??????🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃