I’m having a week long breakdown.


I’m unemployed because I lost my job and my husband didn’t want me working. He works in another state and made enough to support us so it was nice for me to have the option to go see him whenever I wanted. Well he got laid off!!! I’m scrambling to find work anywhere I can and we are looking at having to wait a month or longer for his unemployment which by that time he will probably get called back to work. My mom is currently living with us. She has two chihuahuas who bark at everything. I also have two 80+ pound dogs and 3 cats. One of my dogs attacked one of my cats (she’s okay). We have $300 left in the bank. Almost no propane left in the tank and we live is Michigan. No savings because we just had to replace our furnace and water heater AT THE SAME TIME! We still owe the guy $1,000. The other morning my husband was being a grump ass and told me to get out of the shower. In his defense I was being annoying. It ended up hurting my feelings and when he came upstairs to our room he found me crying and when he asked what was wrong I yelled at him and said he hurt my feelings and started laughing and bawling at the same time. At that point I think he realized that I was not in good shape. Our house payment is due. Other bills are due and over due. I don’t know what to pay with our last $300. Thankfully my animals have plenty of food. But do I buy groceries for us?? Do I pay a little bit on every bill?? Call the bank and get 30 day extensions on our loans?? Take one more day to just curl up in a ball and hate life while I hide in my room from my mom so I don’t have to listen to her complain about me?? If your still reading this please know I’m not looking for a pity party or anything. We should have been prepared for this situation but we weren’t. So I’ll just be here freaking out.