Carter Jeffery James! 1-28-19

sneakzjr23 • 💕♥️Mommy of two💕♥️

A week later and here is my story!

On the 28th my mom and I got up early to start the 1 1/2 hour drive to the hospital for my induction (blood pressure was high so we went ahead with an induction) that morning it had started snowing and by the time we left it was a blizzard. It took us 4 1/2 hours to finally reach the hospital!! Once there they had my change and checked me to see where I was at before they started anything . I was 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced! The Dr came in and broke my water and told me that the nicu team was going to be in the room while I gave birth because little man had pooed inside the sac. Let me tell you.... I felt so gross when i got up and went to the bathroom and my waters were all green 🤮😩 I walked around for a little bit and when the contractions started getting stronger I decided to use the labor ball. And I LOVED IT! I started feeling pressure almost instantly but it was minor and my nurse told me to tell her if I’d got more intense. They started pitocin and I bounced on that thing for a while and contractions started getting more and more intense to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore and asked for an epidural. I was 5 cm by that time and was proud of myself for making it that far. Before I got the epidural I tried going to the bathroom and my sweet mom came in and helped me through two contractions and back to the bed. Everything was great after the epidural... all 20 minutes of it lol suddenly I had this intense amount of pressure and I told me nurse what I was feeling, at the same time my dr had come in to see how I was doing and went ahead and checked me . 10cm and ready to go!!!! He started getting ready and the next couple of contractions were crazy! It was SO MUCH PRESSURE like I had to poop and pee or something idk. It was awful. I wanted to spread my legs as far as they could go and push/ grab the baby out. But I just lifted my butt off the table and said a few bad words lol 2 pushes and there he was !!! It was a total of 8 hours of labor! Which was crazy because my first labor was 26 hours long 😬 Here he is a week later and as perfect as ever ! Thanks for reading my story I hope you ladies labors go as quick and easy as mine !!