Help Update on what happened


38 weeks and 5 days!

Soo I haven't had intercourse or anything but this morning I woke up peed as normal and then after breakfast went to bathroom again and wiped and there was pink blood but no mucus like or anything...then again I went to bathroom and wiped and again blood.

I haven't wet a pad or anything but I am getting lower back pain...

Should I go to L&D?

I called they said I should but I don't want to go in if it's just mucus plug or whatever..anyone else experience this?


So I went in..they checked my cervix and was

2 1/2 cm dilated... they said I was having contractions 7-10 minutes apart but that I was able to come I'm home but since 2am I have been having contractions, at first I would just fall asleep and feel mild pain. Then it turned 3:30am and I woke up bcuz it feels like I'm having menstrual cramps! And back pain! Now it's 4:35 am and still feeling pain but no matter how I lay they don't go away..and I can't sleep! They come and go but the pain last very long

I have a doc app today at 1:15 pm it's currently 4:40 am

Should I wait until then and see what happens or go into er again? Idk if they are Braxton or contractions...someone help! I don't wanna go in and then for them to send me back home