2nd baby/pregnancy concerns


Hello all!! I am super new to this app and was wondering if any mamas have any experience/advice with having a toddler and having a new baby. My husband and I are just starting TTC #2, our little guy will be 2 in May. I’m trying not to stress but I have some serious anxiety about having a 2nd baby. First off, I know it’ll sound silly but how is it that you can have enough love for another? I never thought I could love someone as much as I love my son. And where I don’t feel like our family is “complete” yet, I worry that it’ll be different with another. I worry that my little boy will resent a sibling. I grew up with 3 brothers and where sometimes we were thick as thieves others we hated each other. The other part of this post is how was your 2nd pregnancy different from the first? I was lucky and had an easy pregnancy the first time around but ever since having my boy, sex isn’t always fun. I’ve spoken with my doctor and had exams done and scans and her answer is it’s probably scar tissue from my C-Section. For example- we’ve tried every other day for the past week and my insides ache!! Any suggestions?! If this is how TTC is going to be again, it may be short lived and more of a if it happens situation.