My baby is here!

smc • 💙💙🕊🌈

After waiting forever for his arrival, I was able to meet him February 2nd, 2019. 😻 His due date was February 14th, 2019 but I got induced.

I was scheduled for cervidil on Friday at 7am and got admitted until his arrival. My cervidil put me to 1cm dilated, and I stayed that way until the next morning. Around 6am I showered, got mine and my baby’s stuff ready. I got my IV put in by 7:30am and was given oxytocin to get things rolling. ☺️ I was so nervous but excited I was getting closer to meeting my son! 😻 I waited in bed for the anesthesiologist to come give me my epidural. At 8am, my water broke on its own! I remember just laying on my left side and I felt like baby kicked me but then a few seconds later a bunch of fluid came leaking out of me! I was like “uh, I think my water just broke”😂 She checked me and confirmed. She was surprised how quick I was progressing😂 Every little movement I did more water just came out I even got some on my SO’s leg & foot because he was standing infront of me as I was getting prepped for my epidural 🙄 The epidural didn’t hurt like I thought it would! It’s just weird pressure in your back 😅 My IV was worse than the epidural, I got poked 5 TIMES just to get my IV. Ugh lol

Anyway, they upped my oxytocin every 15-30 minutes to have things go faster. By 11am I was 4cm dilated & 50% effaced. I dozed off every now and then, but then I started to feel my contractions on my right side around 12pm. I got my epidural pumped up twice, and by 12:30 I was feeling pressure in my vag so I told my nurse and she checks me. I was fully dilated! 😅😅 And my SO left the hospital to get some things, he rushed right back I was trying so hard not to have this baby without him😂 He made it back just on time. I was ready to start pushing by 1:30pm. I was SO tired I dozed off in between pushes, I started to cry because I was tired i just wanted to stop😂 they had to cut me so it would be easier for me to get him out, right after they cut me I was able to give 2 final big pushes to get him out and he arrived at 2:53pm. 💖💖 The first thing I said when I saw him was “omg! He’s real” 😂 my doctor and nurse laughed at me and said yes he is! lol😆

I feel like I did so good during my labor and delivery, I kept my breathing steady whenever I felt a contraction & I just slept. 😂 I think I have the epidural to thank. Hahah. Anyway, here he is. Declan Ryan Isaac. 🤩🤩 he came out weighing 7lbs 11oz! And 18in long! ☺️☺️