Healthy lifestyle

Kayleen • Kay🖤💀

Hey fellow humans I got a few questions and I don't really know where to start.

One thing I want to accomplish this year is living a healthier lifestyle mentally, physically, and emotionally. I am starting to work out more and drink more water.. Trying to cut back on my caffeine intake. I'm also trying to gain weight because I'm tired of being under 100lbs. If you have any suggestions or apps that you use that would be great.

I'm also trying to have a clear mind and get my anxiety and OCPD (obsessive compulsive personality disorder) under control. These things have me living in a state of anger and frustration and I'm tired of living in such a negative way. I have tried therapy and I can't afford it anymore. I don't know where to start anymore. If you once again have any ideas or suggestions anything is great appreciated. Thank you for your time and sorry for the long post.