What to expect after MMC and D&E

I’m confused and not emotionally in a good enough place to do a ton research. Pls forgive my laziness, but this seems much easier.

I had a MMC at 11 weeks. Baby was measuring 6 weeks. I had a D&E and recovered well. No bleeding after surgery or discomfort. It went much better than I ever expected.

My check up 8 days later was fine. Doc said cervix heal up nicely and cleared us for intercourse. No bloodwork was done but I see lots of people talking about their HCG levels post MMC here.

When is it safe to test for ovulation?

When should I expect a period?

Should I avoid OPK’s until I actually get a period in fear of a false positive Bc of potential HCG levels?

I am a planner... I really hate the unknown and my body is clearly doing its own thing right now! Help!