

So since I’m pregnant I decided I wanted to start waxing the coochie instead of shaving, cause well once I get far along I don’t feel like getting my husband to shave my swollen lady bits. So needless to say I found a lady that does sugaring! Sweet right? Apparently less painful, and better for your skin + environment.. HA I thought she was gunna rip the whole coochie off! Sh!t hurt! I mean I clearly knew it would hurt, hair is getting ripped out, but dear lord I dropped the f bomb a couple times and all (she says for a first timer and being pregnant I actually did really good) She assured me the pain will lessen the more I go, so I rebooked for 4 weeks. But honestly the lady bits are scared to go back! Does it actually get better with follow up waxes every 4 weeks? I don’t want to go back to shaving, the results don’t feel nearly as good as it does right now 😂.