My baby sucks at sleeping

Kait • Due June 27th

I hate it. And I hate that I’m mad about.

She goes to sleep between 630-7 every night. Well that’s when we start the routine. I nurse her to sleep, she’ll fall asleep at the breast and then I try to inch away and she wakes up again, so we nurse on the other side, falls asleep, I try to inch away she wakes up again. Ok so I rock her, falls asleep, set her down, try to get away and she wakes up. This dance goes on for 1.5-2 hours every. night. THEN by the time I get downstairs it’s 9-930 and she’s up again at 1030 and is up for another 2 hours. It’s getting ridiculous. The most annoying part is that she’s not crying. She just stares at me. If she was crying it would be easier because i could problem solve. But there’s nothing fucking wrong. She’s 7 months old, I work full time and my husband is away trucking. Does anyone have ANY tips, other than CIO? Should I see her dr about this? Sleep consultant? I’m lost and extremely frustrated.

EDT: forgot to mention that usually in the hour that I get to myself downstairs, she’s up 1-2 times needed to be rocked back to sleep.