14 week old won’t sleep



My baby has never slept more than 3 hours straight other than two times. I am exhausted and on my own since my boyfriend works so much and we both don’t have any family around.

I have been doing a routine for a month now and she still isn’t getting any better. I breast fed but started trying powder formula and liquid formula in the evenings and before bed.

We’ve tried gas drops, teething drops, swaddling, zipper sacks including a $50 zen one thatvwas suppose to make her sleep.. money grab., anyway we have tried everutbing.

She has a bath around 7:30/8 then usually a bottle of formula 4.5 oz and some breast until she falls asleep.

Last night she wouldn’t sleep until mid night even though she only napped a total of 1.5 hours yesterday (I tried to force naps but she wasn’t having it!!)

After she slept at 12 she woke at 2:30 and again at 4:30.. it’s 5 am and I’m just so fed up :( I know she’s in pain from teething but I don’t feel it’s good to give Advil or Tylenol every day.

On a good day she naps when she wants but I try to keep her awake after 6, then she is asleep by 9. The thing is, she always wakes within 40 mins or so crying. She is easy to go back to sleep unless she’s in her crib.

I don’t know what else to try but I want her to start sleeping in her crib in her room and also sleep longer so I’m not runnng back and forth

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Posted at
My mom swears by the book Babywise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam. I never slept through the night and once my mom spedread this book and enacted the principles, I was sleeping 7-8 hrs at night within a week or two. Will definitely be following the guidelines in that book when my own is born!


Kortney • Feb 6, 2019
I was only 12 weeks when she read the book


Posted at
That’s pretty normal - my five month old slept for five hours twice but usually 2 or 3 hour stints


Posted at
She’s only 14 weeks, that sounds normal enough! I know babies there are a year old old won’t sleep through the night lol. Don’t worry, things will get better


Posted at
Shes still very young, that's normal.