I took care of myself and now I am able to join this group!


This is pretty personal- but, worth sharing in my opinion. Since I was 15, I struggled with anorexia. I went into recovery for the first time five or so years ago and found out I had PCOS and that my severe restricting would probably make it very difficult to conceive since I wasn’t ovulating. I did well for a while in my recovery but then I relapsed and began to restrict again not long after my wedding in 2016.

Last year I went off birth control to see if I would have a cycle or ovulate. For a year, everything was very inconsistent and I didn’t get pregnant (which in hindsight was a blessing). I was on the verge of death in so many ways. In November of 2018, I went into inpatient intensive eating disorder treatment and have been in recovery ever since. I wanted to live to see my 30th birthday (this March).

I moved back home with my husband right after the new year but still continued my treatment 10 hours a day. In mid January I started feeling really “off”

. I had only been home for two weeks but something inside me thought “could it be?” I went out on a limb and took a pregnancy test. It was positive. I took three more... all positive. It wasn’t until I got a digital test and saw the word “pregnant” pop up on the test that I believed it.

I was totally amazed and in awe of what my body was able to do for me when I treated it with love and respect. I conceived immediately after moving home- what a miracle! I was also in the best place mentally and physically that I had ever been in.

Yesterday, we went to my first OBGYN appointment. It still didn’t feel real but I knew seeing something on the ultrasound would make it a reality. And then... another miracle. TWO BABIES!!!!! Twins! I went from thinking I would never conceive to fertile myrtle because I started to love and take care of myself. I’m so terrified but so grateful. Now, I love my body more than ever for never giving up on me and for its strength. If you took the time to read this, I appreciate you 💜