Cheapie problems

Breana • Had my rainbow on 12.4.19 💕🌈 Miscarried 12.14.18 👼🏼

8 dpo now and I got vvfl yesterday, just seeing if I am getting any progression but my dollar store test looks weird... (Still waiting on my tests from amazon to come in the mail) don’t know if it’s dye run or the shadow of the line since I’m early. Do your thing guys!!

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Posted at
I would get a test that doesn’t have blue ink. I’ve heard a lot of those can bleed.


Breana • Feb 5, 2019
I had two cheapies with red ink yesterday and they were both faint positives so I took one this morning with fmu and it’s just all over the place


Posted at
Do a pink dye. I really don’t trust blue dye test after having my heart broken by a fake +, I tested on other tests the same day and -. AF came on time. Good luck though.


Breana • Feb 5, 2019
I’m sorry I hope next cycle is yours!!! I’m having literally all symptoms, bloating, nausea, cold like symptoms for a couple days, headache. Praying this is it for my rainbow cub to stick! I’ll try some different tests and post later


Posted at
I'd say positive


Breana • Feb 5, 2019
I sure hope so!! I’ll test again later tonight and see what it is! Hoping for our 🌈


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Did you hold it down when you peed on it? It looks a bit soaked but I’d def test again looking at the blue in the circle 😊 I only trust these “cheap” tests I don’t trust the digital ones I read an article about a bunch of faulty ones that showed positive even when they put it in tap water a lot of people TTC were devastated


Breana • Feb 5, 2019
Yes held it down and faced the screen down.. I got two faint positive on red dye cheapies yesterday and I knew I should have used a clear blue this morning instead of a cheap blue dye 🙄 I just want it to boldly pop up on a FRER already!!


Posted at
I always advise people to pick up a bunch of the dollar store ones because they are so cheap. When in doubt try another test. Also, apparently the pink dye is the one you want. Most dollar stores I have seen sell both.I would not call this a positive. Looks like it just leaked


Breana • Feb 5, 2019
Yes I like the dollar store red dyes I always get a decent line with them.