Positions for tall man and short woman

My husband is 6'5" and I'm 5' and while sex is great usually, finding new positions or trying out something new can be difficult with such a height difference. Sex has dwindled a little lately but yesterday had the hour and evening to ourselves and ended up getting frisky watching a movie and had sex on the sofa. Oh. My. 🌋🌊

I was on the couch, leaning back slightly with my bum at the very front of the seat cushion, and he was in front/on top with his legs behind him slightly, feet on the ground and knees bent so he was quite low down. Honestly, the best sex I've had for years. He's very blessed downstairs and I'm inevitably smaller so we often find he's a bit big for me but this was AMAZING. He hit the G instantly and I squirted for the first time too.

Seriously ladies. Incredible.

Any other positions for big height differences would be good to know too so please leave suggestions if you have any!