My experience-PCOS, Metformin, Femara, Ovidrel &IUI

Hi everyone.  I hope I am doing this correctly.
I'm 35 yrs old and my BF is 30.  We have been ttc for about a year now.
A little back story.  I have a son that is 15, so apparently I fall into secondary infertility.  I found out I had PCOS in 2009 while ttc with my husband before he passed away.  After his passing I resumed bcp and eventually the IUD.  3 yrs after his death I met a great guy through some friends and here we are.
June last year I had my IUD removed and we started our journey.  OB put me on Ovasitol, Ovavite and clomid (started at 50-150 mg for 10 cycles).  He then put me on Metformin 1500 mg.  My highest progesterone level was a 12.5.  In June he referred us to a fertility specialist.
We have started treatment and this time around we are continuing the Ovasitol, Metformin & using Femara(7.5 mg for 5 days) instead of clomid.  They were monitoring my follicles, my left looked promising (10mm), then 6 days later the right looked good (10mm), 2 days later I get a blinking 😊 on my CB OPK, next day my left follie is only at a 16.  I was told to inject the Ovidrel and come in today for our 1st <a href="">IUI</a>.  It was quick, didn't hurt and no side effects so far.
I don't know why, but I feel this won't be the one.  This 1st process just hasn't seemed correct, but I could be wrong.
Anyone else had similar happen to them?