Requesting a Caesarian?

D • 30, UK 🇬🇧 Mama to a 34 week preemie 💙

Just wondering what people’s experiences are of asking for a Caesarian within the NHS, when they’re not classed as high risk and technically in need of one?

Basically I have severe anxiety and labour has always scared the crap out of me, but obviously I want a baby and know I’ll have to give birth somehow..... I just feel hours of labour and pain will cause my anxiety to shoot through the roof and my blood pressure and pulse will go mad, which isn’t good for me or baby, so thinking a Caesarian would be best for both of us? Controversial- but my ideal scenario would be a Caesarian under general anaesthetic because I just want it to be over with without me being aware, in pain and really stressed!

It’s something I’ll discuss with my midwife as I’m only 7 weeks so very early, but my awful anxiety is trying to plan ahead 😅🙈