Need help...


I love my boyfriend and we have been together for a year now. We’ve had our ups and downs but I truly saw myself marrying him and being with him. For some reason literally a few days ago this feeling has changed. I don’t necessarily want to break up but I guess I’m experiencing doubts like whether what I have for him is truly love. I usually am so on fire but currently I’m like eh... some questions I ask myself are, Are we really serious? Are we meant to be together? How long will we last? Will we last when he leaves for the navy? Not sure where these thoughts came from but they are here and not shaking. I literally try to bully myself and push myself to not think about them and tell my self yes u do love him!! I feel really bad because he’s always 100% about me always. Why am I not like that about him right now?? I’m so confused. I’m thinking how long is this feeling gonna last? And why didn’t it just come now?? Have y’all experienced this? Any advice?