37 weeks 4 days

🧡💛Sunkissed Mama🧡💛 • Got an Angel baby and have my rainbow in my arms

I'm almost at my 38 week mark and I honestly dont have the energy to work . I can wake up and get ready but standing a full 10 hours is terrible I feel i physically cant do it anymore. I know it's going to be hard to get through the day, my vaginal is so sore my back is so tense and I get so damn tired by the 3rd hour of working. My husband wants me to stop working now to rest until baby comes. Hes due the 19th. I just cant bring myself to stop working, I've always worked and cant being myself to stop working I feel like I'm failing myself by not goin until the very end of my pregnancy. My husband says to not feel that way and no one thinks I'm a failure. I just dont know what to do.

I just feel like I'm going to sitting or laying at home while my husband is working and I feel so guilty. Anyone going through this. Or is there any advice anyone can give me?