

We have a co-sleeper bassinet next to our bed and for the first 3.5 weeks my daughter slept in there, first for 3 hours at a time but then her sleeps got shorter... and shorter. Now she will sleep in there for maybe 10-15 minutes, 30 if we're lucky. A couple of times I propped myself up on a heap of pillows so I was reclining and just held her so I could at least get an hour or two.

Last night she was still up at 1am and I am proper exhausted, I finally went fuck it and decided to co sleep. Got rid of the pillows and blankets and I layed her down right next to my face so we were basically cheek to cheek. My mum suggested sleeping like that because I was worried about the sids risk. I woke up everytime she started to fuss but she ended up sleeping for FOUR HOURS.

Ohmygod I feel like I've slept for 9 hours, I'm so refreshed and when she finally woke up she didn't cry, we just layed there staring at each other for about 5 minutes before I fed her 😌 I am 99% certain that it's a one time thing but I'm so glad she did it 😁