Second pregnancy (TEN YEARS LATER)


I just turned 32 in January and I am currently 7wks 3days pregnant. My daughter is 10 (I had her when I was 21) and I am finding that this time around is waaaay worse for me. My first pregnancy was close to perfect, I had some reflux issues in my second trimester and some leg cramps but that was IT! About 5-6 days ago I have began feeling incredibly nauseated from about 2 in the morning until 12 noon every day! And then it still comes and goes in waves during the day! I am disheartened because it is almost debilitating where i can’t get anything done due to throwing up and extreme nausea. Does anyone else have a massive gap between their children? Are you experiencing VERY different pregnancies? Also- if you have any home remedies I am open to ideas!