Pregnancy after vasectomy

I have a husband who after our 3rd, got a vasectomy. It was too soon to make that decision and now we regret it. His mother passed away a couple months ago and her birthday was actually close to our anniversary and also at the same time as my fertile window. I’m realistic, I know statistics, have done my research, I know the ‘bitchy blunt facts’ of the situation... but I also know the statistics are not taking everything into account, that not all pregnancies get reported back to the facility that did the procedure and that they list different situations differently for instance a failed vasectomy versus and error; these situations range from the vas recanalizing, no sperm check to make sure the surgery was 100% so a pregnancy would not be consider a ‘failed’ vasectomy, or so on....

Anyways, has anyone on here actually had a pregnancy after a vasectomy? I can research it and find a ton of forums where people have... but I want to talk to someone. My husband has had some issues around his testicles lately and after ovulation I started having a ton of pregnancy symptoms that I normally never have even with AF and even though I know it would be too early to feel anything and too early to test right now, I’m curious if anyone has been in similar situations.

My hope is fading, and I guess rightfully so since it is unrealistic to think it could happen for us considering the facts.... but I’m spiraling into a depression from this and could use inspiration/positivity.

And yes, I know reversal... but right now I can’t justify putting him through that and myself for the possibility of the same outcome not to mention the costs... of feel selfish putting that much money towards that. Mom guilt I guess.