Over it

Me and my husband are in a long distance marriage and I’m just really tired. Since we’ve been married, it’s just been issue on top of issue. I have struggled with anxiety and I am on medication and I feel like he suffers from depression. He constantly is in this mood like I don’t want him and stuff but I’m just really over it. I’m tired of showing my affection and trying to do all I can do and it’s like he still doesn’t see it. And he’s like the way I don’t support him emotionally just tears him apart. And he talks about he can’t be here because he can’t live with me and he can’t live without me. To me, this is fuckin selfish and I told him it was. I told him it’s selfish to just say fuck your children and everyone around you after I’ve pushed you to try to get help. Then say you want to have a baby with me? I’m glad we haven’t been successful yet because it’s bullshit.