Come on first cycle post d&c!!

Hayle • 5 yr old daughter. 1 👼🏼 1-23-19. Ttc baby #2.

I had my d&c two weeks ago. Had my follow up appointment with my RE. She said we are going to stick with the <a href="">iui</a> to the T since that got us pregnant on the first round. She expects it to work again. Waiting for my first cycle to get here so we can get this ball rolling. I’m ready to get my mind off this miscarriage and look towards the future because I know something great is coming. I’ll have my saline ultrasound when I get my period to make sure nothing happened from the surgery so praying that is all good! I’ve never wanted my period to get here this fast before. Anyone have luck with <a href="">iui</a> after an <a href="">iui</a> miscarriage?