Baby boy was born!


I was due March 3rd,

He was born January 31st

I was sent to the hospital at 31 weeks for preterm labor. I was 2cm dilated. We stayed for a few days I was put on procardia and put on bed rest. Fast forward to 35 weeks 2days I have my appointment I tell my doctor I’m having real bad back pain, with period cramps with Braxton Hicks all at the same time. But they were random. So she said could be the start of labor, but she doubted it. She checked I was 3 cm. So she said just call her if I started having regular contractions. I went home we moved my daughters crib into her brothers room. And then I dragged my daughters mattress in her room while holding her lol multitasking till the end! Well I woke up at about 3:30 am with this ridiculous back pain and period cramping I told my husband I must be going into labor.. but I was timing them they were regular then they’d be irregular so I just tried to sleep it off yea. Wasn’t happening(this is Wednesday) I call my Dr. and she’s not in the office. So she tells me head to the hospital they would check me. I was 3.5 cm. And in the hour I didn’t progress so my doctor said go home, rest pack you May be in labor so just wait and see if they get closer. When they get 3-4 minutes apart and the pain is pretty bad call me. So frustrated I go home. The contractions continue 10 min apart. Until Thursday morning around 10am that’s when I was waiting for my shower to warm up, I think hmm let’s do some squats... I do three I get in the shower and I felt this goop on my foot. I look down obviously my bloody show. My contractions intensified. Back labor SO AWFUL. I give my doctor a call to let her know. She says come in at 2:30 I’ll check you and do a NST. So I do. By that time my contractions were 3 minutes apart. Hurting with pressure. It’s so obvious I’m in active labor by this point she checks me y’all still 3.5 cm I could’ve cried she’s like mm I don’t think you are in labor go walk around target for an hour and I’ll check you to see if you dilated. I’m so upset but I’m pretty hungry and I’m like hey whatever I’ll go get me some food and then I’ll walk around. So I do prob looking like the most crazy person in target. But whatever. I get back after spending wayyy to much money for her to check me and she’s like mmm you progressed to a 4... but it’s barley a 4. I start crying she’s like you just look too good to be in labor. I was like ITS JUST THE BRONZER!!!!! She comes hug me and she’s like I know your mad. Let me go check on some other patients I’ll be back. She comes back to check me again 10 minutes later I’m 5cm! She’s like well maybe you are in labor. Like uhhhhhhhhhh yea. I said if you send me home I will not know at what level pain to return because i know this is real. So she’s like I believe you now. That was 5:30. I go home get my stuff finish a load of laundry get my husband we get to the hospital at 7:30. I’m 7cm. They rush to get me an epidural which I think by the time I get it ... it’s too late. It helps but I still feel everything. They go to start pitocin the baby heart rate drops so they turn it off I got a drop in lol. But I really didn’t need it 8:50 I’m 9 cm. 9:00 I’m 10cm. They start preparing the room and getting the baby nurse ready. They say ok it’s 9:30 let’s try a practice push while the Dr. finishes this up. The baby is basically out. They are like oh man he’s right there get her a mirror. I see yep he is infact out they get the stirrups I throw my own legs in because that’s how not working my epidural was. Lol. And at 9:36 my 35 week 5 day old baby boy was born weighing 7lbs 8oz! Very healthy. No issues.