Miscarrying... help


Hi everyone,

Wondering if anyone else has been through this.... first, my doctors thought I had a heterotopic pregnancy after an ectopic in September - luckily that is not the case! However, they think I’m miscarrying or will. I had an ultrasound done Friday at 6w, I had a yolk sac and they said everything was fine, even though I was measuring slightly behind. They made me go back yesterday because of the expected heterotopic. There was no progress. My doctor said since it was only four days they don’t want to jump to conclusions, I also have a retroverted uterus and I’ve heard that can cause them to not see that well?

Anyway, has anyone ever had something like this. Yolk sac at 6 weeks and been ok? It’s weird to me that they weren’t concerned Friday but were all of a sudden concerned yesterday. I’ve had very slight cramps, no pain, no spotting.