My (now ex) boyfriends ex came back


So today I’ve been broken. I was in college and my boyfriend send me a text...he went on about how he needed to see me cause it was urgent so of course I knew something was up. After college I met up with him and we hugged and held hands all the way to Mac Donald’s, we were even cuddling the way we normally do. He placed his order, asked me what I wanted to eat but I wasn’t hungry. We sat down and I watched him eat, I was acting kinda anxious cause I wanted to know what was so important. He finished eating, I wiped the sauce off his face cause he’s a messy eater and then he started talking. It took him so long to just say what he wanted to say...I got fed up and asked him to go straight to the point. Then he goes....

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this for a month” and I’m like “okayyy??...” then he’s like “ I don’t want to be like your ex...” and I’m like “okayyyyy...” then he goes... “my ex got to the country last month”. This ex if his lived in Nigeria where we are from and they dated for 5 years, I never expected him to get over a five year relationship so fast and I didn’t rush him into our relationship, in fact I asked him numerous whether he was ready for this relationship.... anyway, my reply to what he said was... “Are you planning on seeing her?” And he nodded. I walked out of Mac Donald’s in tears. I did nothing wrong, I don’t deserve this. All I ever was, was food to this guy. I was meant to cook for him for the first time this weekend. We had so many plans but it’s all ruined