Help! My Doctor didn't give me a trigger shot???!

Lauren, 38 ttc #1 💕 in love & happy

I went for my ultra sound this morning and I had 2 mature follicles= 28 and 22. I had a surge on my opk this am, too. Because of this my doctor said there is no reason to trigger. <a href="">IUI</a> tomorrow at 3pm.

I just heard from other ladies that I should have triggered anyway!! They gave 2 reasons... #1: a positive opk doesn't guarantee the release of an egg and a trigger shot does. #2: if you naturally surge, you only release 1 follicle and if I had triggered I would have released both.

I can't find evidence to support either side of this and I'm dying to know. Anyone know about this? I want to be informed when I go in tomorrow for <a href="">IUI</a> and ask them about their logic.

I was very willing to trigger... they said- you can if you want to but there is no need!

Now I'm worried and sad that my odds just went down when I was so positive today about my 2 follicles.