He hates me😢⁉️

Ugh lengthy sorry in advance; removed Mirena 3 months ago. 1-8-19 AF started and ended 1-11-19. Had a positive opk 11-14-19 BD almost all month. I feel so pregnant so I’ve been testing like crazy, specially after thinking I had IB. Last Tuesday I had pink when I wiped for about 2 days which then turned brown, about 3 days ago it was also present in my panty liners sorry TMI pic. Still having that brown discharge,still negative HPT. Someone said I could be having a very light period so I took an ovulation test yesterday which was 1st picture looks almost positive and I took a HPT for the heck of it today which was ofcourse negative and I just took this toda (last picture) which seems so positive! Is it possible I can be having a period this light? If so, why am I getting positive ovulation results? I’ve been cramping since Tuesday off and on but today it is a bit more intense. Am I really ovulating? Am I on my period? What the hell is going on?? I feel like my body hates me!