What should I do? 1yr old symptoms.. help!

Hi everyone my daughter is a little over 1,

On Monday she developed a hoarse voice

I didn’t think anything of it.. shes been making high pitch squeaky word sounds

Come today she still has that & now a mild grade fever (100.8 rectally w no medication)

She’s been eating a little less & chewing on her frozen toys more (teething again?)

Also, As she was getting her bath I also noticed whiye spots on her tongue. Not sure if it’s even related.

She has been transitioning to whole milk

She gets 1/2 wm and 1/2 bm mixed in a bottle when I’m @ work. & nurses when I’m @ home.

Any tips? Or ideas?

Her on call said to not bring her in unless her fever hits over 101.5.

Thanks in advance ✨