35weeks 2 days

DYvette 💗 3🎀 hoping for 💙 3/11/19

I don’t think I’m going to make it until March 11! The picture on the left is from last month while the picture on the right is from Monday! I look smaller but my belly is lower. I had contractions for about 2 hours last night...I seriously thought I was going into labor. We even woke the kids up to head to the hospital when the pain stopped completely...I’m in so much pain through out the day just from carrying him. I feel like he’ll be here early but I’m scared he’ll be in the NIC if he comes now. At this point I just want to throw in the towel & start operation “EVACUATION” sex, squats, breast stimulation & pressure points. These contractions are becoming regular as they occur daily. I just want this to be over & soon. Should I be concerned if I do have him early?? Especially at this point in the pregnancy.