Help! Sleep training and poopy diapers


My exhaustion from not sleeping was too much so i decided to sleep train (cio) my daughter, something i never thought I would do... We started on Sunday and she fell asleep after half an hour. Two nights later it was five minutes and out till 11 pm!. So far so good. For the last three nights she has had a poopy diaper, probably because she gets so worked up. Before she never pooped at night. So I had to change her at eleven p.m. after that she would not fall asleep for 1 1/2 hours. This happened two nights in a row. Tonight she even pooped a second time :( we sleep in the same room, since we don't have an extra room for her yet, we move in 6 weeks. Any advise? Hang in there? I can't not change her, i feel so bad having her lie in the dirty diaper...