Stay at home moms

Laura • Wife & Mother of two❤

How can I get my husband to understand that I want to stay home and not work. I've been asking him but all he says is we can't afford it. I would like to spend more time with my daughter; take her and pick her up from school. Have home cooked meals every night, catch up on house work, run errands before picking daughter up from school. We could probably afford it if my hubs would stop buying guns and shit we dont need.

When i am at work i am miserable. I am unhappy. I started this temporary job August 3,2015. (Filling in for someone on maternity leave) and ever since i started it has sucked. I cry almost every day. I applied through an agency and she told me i can choose between 8 or 8:30 am to go into work. I did 8:30-4:30 because i didnt have to rush to get my daughter to school. And 3 weeks of the 8:30 time i was told in a rudely manner i NEED to be here at 8. Even though we dont open until 8:30. and then when i clock in/out i do a timecard on the agency website. Well the manager at this job rejected my timecard for me to get paid this week becasue i was getting paid for 30 minutes of lunch. But i answer calls and schedule people who come to the window or call. I cant ignore them if we are not allowed to close the blinds during lunch. 😡 i feel like im getting F**ked over. I am getting told different things by my agent and the manager. And i have tokd my agent what had happened with my time and other things and she doesnt give a sh** about how what i said. This clinic i am working for, the two girls and manager talk to me like im stupid. And when i ask questions they get annoyed about it.

I would rather stay at home and be happy then be stressed out everyday and crying about whats going on. Any ideas on how i can get him to understand how i am feeling or get him to let us test drive me being a stay at home mom/house wife?