This week has been stressful (It’s a long post)


Monday I left work because I didn’t feel right. I had been hurting off and on all morning. Turns out my blood pressure was 150/90 when I went in to get checked out. She hooked me up to the NST machine and baby girl looked good. I did have to drink a sprite to wake her up. Her heart rate was within her normal range of the 130s and it went up to 150 when the sugar hit. The on call doctor said to keep my appointment with my regular OB since it was so high, but everything looked good.

Tuesday I went to work, and left at lunch for my appointment with my regular OB. Of course I told him everything and they checked my blood pressure, and it was within normal limits, but I gave him the readings I’ve been getting at home. So he told me that I was trying to develop preeclampsia, and the symptoms I needed to be on the look out for. If I had any of them, I needed to come back in. He told me to go ahead and quit my job until after I deliver. So I told my boss.

Yesterday (Wednesday), I monitored my blood pressure throughout the day. It stayed in the 140s over high 80s low 90s. There was one time I finished hanging my baby’s clothes and it was back at 150/90. So after that, my husband kept telling me to check it and if it didn’t stay below a certain reading he’d be coming home from work to get me. Well, it never got any lower, so he came to get me. When we got to the hospital, my blood pressure was 142/92. They said I didn’t have much protein in my urine. They hooked me back up to the NST machine and I stayed on it for 45 minutes or so while the on call doctor went and did a C-Section. Well, even with drinking a coke, baby girl didn’t seem to want to wake up, but her heart rate was ‘normal’ in the 120s. They only time she really perked up was when the nurse shook and poked at her. That was concerning to me and my husband, and the nurse that did it even seemed concerned. But the on call doctor said everything is fine. I have to come back tomorrow (Friday) for another blood pressure check since it was elevated.

My husband is convinced something is wrong, but I really don’t know. I feel ok. However, my normal blood pressure runs in the 110s/70s. So what is still ‘normal’ to the doctors concerns my husband. Same with my baby’s heart rate. She’s normally in the 130s, and yesterday she was in the low 120s. He’s a nurse, so he knows the ‘medical’ stuff that goes on. But like I said, I feel ok. He’s just not convinced that I’m ok. He’s really worried. I see my actual OB Tuesday for another ultrasound and NST.