

My daughter is 3 weeks old. Breastfeeding has been hard from the get go. When we started I had to tease her with a syringe first to get her to latch. Once my milk came in on day 2/3 it got better. Then the cluster feeding started. She cluster feeds maybe twice a day for a about 2 weeks on and off. She almost always feeds for about an hour. If I try to stop her after 20 min on one side she's back at it within a short time rooting and crying. The last 2 days has been extremely difficult. She is feeding hourly. And she's falling asleep. If she's awake sometimes she pops on and off my nipple and will cry like there's not enough. I know she's getting enough because she has plenty of wet and dirty diapers. Plus we went to the doctor for a weight assessment and I fed her for 35 minutes, she got 2 oz. She only gained 1.5 oz in two weeks. She lost almost a pound after birth. The doctor is starting me on dairy soy and peanut free diet for 2 weeks, because of her slow weight gain, since she's getting plenty to eat and having plenty of pees and poos. Is this normal? I'm not getting any sleep. She also has a tight frenulum which is causing me a lot of pain. She is getting is released but is this what is causing all these issues with the really long feedings and her acting like she's never getting enough. Or is it normal to cluster feed all day for days. Sorry so many questions and so long, but I'm literally in tears because she acts like she's starving and I'm exhausted and my nipples hurt so bad. She's been latching really hard. Usually when she cluster feeds it doesn't last this long. She's been cluster feeding on and off for 2 days and she's only sleeping an hour at a time. She got a couple naps that were longer, maybe 2/3 hours. Unless we give her a bottle of my milk that I have from the suction breast pump she's not satisfied. What should I do?