Has anyone ever felt this way when TTc?


Up until now I have always tried to not get pregnant to the point of being overly cautious .

I am 7 years In a happy marriage and now almost 33 years old and my husband is older than me by 8 years.

To be honest , I never thought I wanted children and was a selfish person at times .

Now that I am older I am beginning to realize time is ticking and I’ve been open to getting pregnant the past 6 months and nothing yet .

I feel like maybe I’m being punished for all these years saying I didn’t want kids and i am so scared that even if I do get pregnant I won’t have a healthy baby because I’m in my 30s . Please don’t judge as I know sometimes I see a lot of hate online and I’m just really concerned and see a lot of women are having children later in life . Has anyone ever felt this way ?

Thank you