2 Days Late Now


Negative test this morning. :( I just need an outlet for my feelings, so here I am again. I posted two days ago on the day of my expected period about why I'm trying not to be too hopeful and why my period might be missed or late. Exercise is my thought. I keep reading how too much exercise can throw off fertility and cause missed periods. I've been trying to lose weight to HELP us conceive! 😩 But maybe its been doing the opposite.

We've already tried <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> twice with no luck. This past month we didn't undergo any fertility treatments and I feel like my late period couldn't be sign of a pregnancy because there was no Clomid, no Femara, no shot, no anything... and if all that didn't work before (twice) what are the odds of getting pregnant naturally? Im trying to put it all in God's hands but it's difficult not to get discouraged.

I pray this late period isnt just a missed period due to exercise and I hope I finally get a successful positive test in the days to come.