Plan b or pregnancy symptoms?


My fiance and I had sex and he didn’t pull out at 11 pm 2 day before my predicted ovulation DAY. I took plan be the next day, being 1 day before ovulation.


cycle: 01/12/19 first day of last period.

Didn’t pull out on 01/25/19 11 pm

Plan b 01/26/19 @ 11:30 am

Estimated ovulation date: 01/27/19

Today : 02/07/19 now 4 days before my next period and

I have had many symptoms of pregnancy STARTING 02/03/19 (10days after sex and 9 days after plan b) such as headaches which I got early on in my pregnancy with my daughter, I’ve been extremely tired going to bed earlier and ready for a nap super early in the day, bloating, nausea in the morning, ACNE like a mf,

I’ve had wet feeling CM on 02/05.

Last night 02/06 I had cramping and light brown/red spotting only when wiping. Today at work, same thing. Only when I’m wiping though.

I’m trying not to over think but I can’t. Does this sound like pregnancy symptoms or side effects of plan b this close to my period starting

I had implantation spotting with my daughter but I haven’t taken plan b in years so i don’t remember if this spotting is normal.