Long awaited birth story☺️ Unexpected.

So I was due my babygirl on 7th December 2018.

Nothing was happening as she was so comfy😂

Eventually 2 weeks late, after two sweeps and a pessary induction on the 20th December, my babygirl was on her way soon.

On 21st December early morning, at 6am the hospital broke my water and I was 4cm then I started having contractions back to back.

I only had gas & air as it was too late for any other pain relief even though I was screaming for it.

I went from 4cm to 7cm then to 10cm in 3 hours! They wouldn’t believe me when I said I needed to push, they told me I didn’t!

They lost the heartbeat a few times so I ended up having to have forceps, and they had to slice me☹️

Two pushes later my babygirl was born at 9:21am, weighing 7lb 1oz. She managed to badly rip me as she came out head&shoulder then the rest of her body, so I had a 3rd degree tear🙈 as soon as my baby was born I didn’t get to see her and I was rushed round to theatre room as I was badly bleeding and I needed stitches☹️

My biggest fear for labour was to tear and it happened to me😕 after over an hour in theatre I finally got to see my babygirl. Although I was numb from my spinal from theatre I was so happy to finally be done.

So many needles, blood work etc later I was allowed home the next night, with a bag full of medication😂

I am actually proud of myself for only using gas&air even though I begged for more🙈 I think my partner is traumatised😂

Ps- this is my first baby and I was always told labour is extremely long with first babys😂 not for me lol