Is this weird? LONG


Here’s a little back story.

Our old neighbors (who had 2 boys, the same age as my 2 oldest daughters, so 5yrs, 4yrs.) were friends with our kids and they would occasionally have play dates in each other’s yard. Never in each other’s houses and obviously with both parents supervision. They live literally the house across the street from ours. Now, her oldest son started school first then my daughter the following year because of her birthday.

Now they moved out and sold their house last year in August. The house was listed for a month, and then someone else bought it. Anywho.. my 2 oldest kiddos were sad because they became really good friends, but my daughter still sees the oldest boy in school so it’s not that “upsetting” for her.

So these new people moved in and they also have girls, 2 of them, who are 5yrs and 1 1/2years. So they are the same age of my oldest and (close to) my youngest. (I myself have 3 girls)

Her daughter started school in October (2018) and she happened to be in the same class as my oldest daughter. Which is not crazy or anything because there was room in the class with 3 kids moving/switching schools ect.

ANYWAY, my daughter became friends with hers pretty quickly, (if you have young kids, you know what I mean)

And she would talk about her daily.

This was after a week or so of her being in school.

NOW, when we picked up our kids one day and came home at the same time, our daughters realized we lived across the street of eachother and they flipped.

Which at the time was really cute, they would scream each other’s names, say hi, say they were home ect ect.

After a few weeks had passed my daughter would tell me how she would invite her over (I would be like, um no, lol)

So it continued like this for awhile. Dropping them off, picking them up, getting home at the same time, they saying hi to eachother on the way into our homes, whatever ect 🤨 this happened for a about a month.

Now this is where it (for me) started to get weird.

weird thing #1- So my mom also lives with my husband and I and one day she went out with me to go grocery shopping to help me with my girls.

We did everything we needed to do, got home and when we backed up into our house we started unloading groceries. They randomly came out their house and stood by our mail box to watch us.

Our mail box is at the lower left side of the driveway. The 2 girls stood there for a good 5/8 minutes. (We had a shit ton of groceries fyi) intill their dad came out and got them, he stood with them too for a good minute being weird till my daughter came up to them (after stopping to help with unloading groceries) to say hi. Then he was like “their unloading groceries let’s go back inside”

Like OK. My mom thought it was weird too, that they just stood there and watched, without saying anything.

Now my mom being the instigator that she is, struck up a conversation with their mom when she dropped my daughter off at school. (They got there at the same time)

My mom told her I was pregnant and my mom said that she quickly said she was too and that she also hoped she was having a boy ( I’m on #4 and it’s a boy). She also told my mom that her husband works for the fire department and that she was a SAHM like me.

A week or so later she also told me she was pregnant and that she was 4 weeks behind me.

My mom would drop my daughter off most mornings (because she was being nice and let me sleep in because I was SO sick and couldn’t sleep) and I mostly pick her up in the afternoons.

Weird thing #2- My mom started to notice that she would wait in her car till she came out then leave (as in at home), then when my mom got to the school she would wait for my mom to park (her already being there for a good 5 mins) to get out the car and drop her daughter off. THEN she would be gone before my mom makes her way back to her car and wait in her driveway till my mom got home. I seriously hope that makes since because y’all are gonna think “Man.. bitch that just a coincidence” and I thought so too! I even told my mom she crazy.

Now (still in 2018) I started to notice her doing it too.

My mom started working overnights so she stopped taking her in the mornings.

I seriously thought she was crazy till after a few days of me taking her in the mornings (and afternoons) I noticed it.

She slamms the door in the morning pretty loud. So I went over to the window and noticed how she was putting her kids in the car at around 7:06am.

I leave our house in the morning at 7:30am and she will still be there. Right as soon as I start getting my kids in the car she leaves.

I get to the school at 7:35am. She’s there already. As soon as I pull up, she gets out the car to drop her kid off. By the time I get back to my car, she’s gone. I get home at 7:45am she’s home. As soon as I get home and pull up in the driveway she gets out her car to go inside.

Now she does it in the afternoon too.

She will wait in her car (at 1:40pm) till 2:00pm and wait for me to come outside then leave. This happened for MONTHS.

Now still keeping in the timeline here, after being a detective myself and checking the times she did this it freaked me out.

THEN I noticed another thing

Weird thing #3-

There was a family day at school (around Christmas time 2018) that I had told the teacher (while she was in the classroom) that I was not gonna make it. I had an appointment for baby #4. I ended up rescheduling it and going last minute to family day. They didn’t come so the daughter ended up doing the family project by herself and another student (who’s parents didn’t come also, they were the only 2 where the parents didn’t show) and my daughter told her that she was staying with her in school. We had the option to take them out early after because the teacher didn’t have anything planned for them after that. Her parents ended up showing up the last minute when everyone was done and half the class left. Now my daughter changed her mind (after seeing most of her friends leave) and said she wanted to go home with me. Their daughter told them that (my daughter) was staying (which she didn’t want to) and after they seen us leaving their daughter threw a HUGE fit. My daughter gave her a hug told her she will see her Monday and calmed her down. They made her stay there anyway and they’re was only 2 kids left in class.

I ended up missing (volunteer and chaperone day) in the beginning of the school year because again (baby made me horribly sick.) So I couldn’t become one because I missed the damn day. After talking to the front desk and the teacher apparently I couldn’t just sign up anytime because that day they did everything (background checks ect)

This comes to play weirdly.

Now this butthole becomes a chaperone somehow (the neighbor) and is abled to go on their first Field trip (in January 2019)

I asked her how, because they gave me trouble with it and she said she “Knew” the principal🙄 and that someone she knew gave her daughter the matching shirts they are supposed to wear for field trips. (which you had to order in the beginning of the year) but she told my mom that they had moved from out of state.

When I tell you this Field trip gave me Anxiety. I found out the day before that she was gonna be my daughters chaperone. Mind you we live in Florida and the day of the Field trip it was COLD. It was around the 40ds that I could remember. I made sure my daughter was dressed appropriately for the weather (picked out her cloths the night before) so she wouldn’t get sick but my mom ended up driving her that morning.

After when I went to pick my daughter up I noticed she didn’t have her jacket on so I made her take it out of her backpack and put it on quickly before we got outside.

I asked her about her day as usual.

She told me about how she was with XXX, they shared a seat on the bus and everything. She told me how she was really cold all day and that XXX mom was chaperoning her and didn’t let her finish her lunch. I checked her lunch bag before we left (the schools parking lot) and she only took one bite of her sandwich. I had packed her a WHOLE lunch (sandwich, oranges, Go-girt, apple juice, water, fruit snacks and a small bag of chips) witch if I pack it for her at regular launch time she eats it ALL. This pissed me off.

So when we got home my mom asked me if she had her jacket on. I told her No, so she asked my daughter how the trip went. She told her the same thing. But my mom told me how when they got to the class that morning my daughter took her jacket off, before she left her at class she told her that she needed to put her Jacket back on before going outside. my mom also told me how the neighbor was already there. My daughter overheard us then told us about how XXX mom wouldn’t let her take her jacket because they had no time that’s why she was cold all day. This literally made a firecracker go up my moms and i’s ass because my next day my daughter got severely sick. My mom told me it would be smart to ask the teacher (when she got back in school) if she did have it on and she said (the teacher) that when they left she didn’t have her jacket on but she thought maybe she took it off during the bus ride back to school because it was hot on the bus and then remembered how she didn’t have it on that day.

Now they’ve had 4 field trips since then and every time the mom and daughter ask if my daughter is going so they can go “together”. I don’t let my daughter go on the field trips anymore if she’s chaperoning since the first one she went on with her.

She always asks my daughter when we we’re picking them up (and we happened to be in the class at the same time) if she wanted to come over and play. Literally doesn’t ask me but her (like hello.) or like this one time, when I was late picking my daughter up (only by a few minutes) she had waited like always, but when I got to the classroom, I overheard her telling the teacher that she could get her and drop her off since we live in front of each other. The teacher told her no because i would have to give written consent for her to be allowed to take her. She then said “oh well she was outside” when I came in she then awkwardly and quickly left. The teacher and I are really well acquainted and even said what she had told her to me and I told her that only my mom, husband and I are allowed to pick/drop her off. She then told me about the schools policy on drop offs/pick ups (which I was aware of)

This was just creepy to me. Because we don’t know them like that and our kids only are friends at school.

Last month, when I picked up my daughter she was telling me about her pregnancy (which to be fair, I think she’s lying about. Because she would be 23 weeks and she’s flat. Like I get everyone is different BUT)

And about how it’s hard for her to take her daughter to school since her husband is in the fire department. They have 2 vehicles to be fair, so I didn’t get it. Then her daughter blurted out how she tells her mom to wait for my daughter all the time. My daughter was like “What! XXX. But we live next to eachother!”

Then she was like “Mommy likes to wait for you guys.” And was giggling. Her mom told her to shutup and was like “haha kids”

I told her I had to go. (because I had no intention to talking to her anyway.) I told my mom and she was like what the actual fuck. And then my mom went on for an hour about how we have to be extra careful with our girls since they give her the wrong vibe.

Like I don’t like people to begin with. I just want to pick up my daughter as quickly as possible not talk with anyone and make my way home just as Efficiently. I hate when she randomly stops me to talk about shit I don’t want to know. To even be fair my husband would be the one to be outside with our girls when they played with the old boys across the street. Their mom was never weird like that. And honestly they freak me out a little.

After her daughter said that she was out for 2 weeks (from school) they even were outside playing a couple times during that time. But I have noticed this last month, that’s she’s not been doing the creepy ‘Waiting for us’ thing, but then again she hardly takes her daughter to school now. Like HARDLY. She’s been in school once this past week. Idk why but as long as she’s not being weird and waiting for me or anything. My mom even makes comments about how she doesn’t take her to school, but my mom makes comments about everything 🤷🏼‍♀️ we literally keep To ourselves and don’t cause problems. So yeah..

What are your guys thoughts? Is it weird? Or am I just letting my anxiety get the best of me?

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