I had a plan. My very different birth story


I had this plan for how my second birth would be. I thought it would be just like my first. Super fast easy and unmediated. My first child came at 36 and 6 days so when I past that I was a little shocked. I have a heart shaped uterus so carrying to term is difficult depending on baby’s position.

I past 37 weeks past 38 weeks. At this point I was so miserable and upset that I hadn’t had my baby yet. My sister was coming to visit from michigan to Alaska where we live and was only staying a short period. So I grew more nervous that she wasn’t going to be able to meet her niece.

I picked my sister up at 2:30 am on the 6th. At 2:40pm on the 6th I had my 39 week check up. For the last few days I had felt pretty good tired but good. I was losing a lot of mucus but it was watery. I called my ob and assured me if I wasn’t have gushes of fluid it probably was just increase of discharge. This started on the 3rd or 4th.

When I got to my appointment I told the doctor what had been going on she checked me. I wasn’t even a cm dilated 50 percent effaced. I was so sad that again I wasn’t haven’t my baby. Even though I was feeling a lot of Braxton hicks I thought my body was getting ready. She said that there was a lot of fluid and she needed to check it out. She came back within a few minutes and said “I’m sending you upstairs your water is ruptured and you need to be induced.”

My first reaction was to cry. I was so happy!

I call my Husband and he’s like okay okay okay oh shit okay.

I get up stairs around 3:30. They check my around 4 to see which method of induction we would be using. I really didn’t want the balloon but figured since I wasn’t even a 1 that was it. She checked me and I was a 3 cm and 50 percent effaced and -2! I was shocked I had progressed that much and felt nothing.

I was gbs positive and started on fluids and antibiotics first. Once those ran out I started pitocin. Things didn’t get painful for a while. I felt good. Told hubby who had been up since 4 for work to get some rest. Around 6 I was feeling a lot moaning a lot baby had been siting high so lots of rib and back pain on top of contraction.

My contractions felt like someone was repeatedly pumping up a balloon in my uterus and then letting the air out.

My times get a little foggy at this point. After 6 hours of Pitocin doc came in to check me. I was only a 4! I felt defeated. I was so tired I asked about options for pain. We talked about nonmedicated because I did no drugs with my first. She said the epidural guy was next door if I had some questions. He came in we talked I got freaked out. I was to scared to get one. He told me not to get one I am strong I did it once I can do it again. That gave me a lot of confidence. And my sweet hubby kept telling me I would regret getting it and he really didn’t want me to.

A few hours later I couldn’t take these contractions I walked the hall rocked on a ball laid in bed everything. I asked for iv meds. They gave me some that would help me sleep. It did NOT take away the pain of the contractions it only told my brain that we didn’t care. I fell asleep for a while. When I finally woke up I told the nurse I couldn’t help but push. She told me no I’m not far enough along.

Finally they come back to check me I’m 8-9 and they are ready to break the rest of my waters once she did that and oh my goodness. The pain was unreal and I couldn’t stop my body from pushing.

Within 20 ish minutes they tell them to give a practice push.

I pushed and she starts to crown they yell stop stop stop we aren’t ready. Never in my life have I been more irritated lol. So they rush get gowned and 5 pushed later she’s out. My husband was by my side telling me to breath which really helped get her down

She had the cord around her neck so they took her away but as soon as I had her back she latched on and is doing amazing. Having some trouble keeping milk down but is pooping and peeing great.

Thanks for reading! Good luck