pregnant or just paranoid?

yeah so some may think this is dumb but i can’t stop thinking about it. 6 days ago me and my boyfriend fooled around, no penetration and his penis was no where near my vagina, but still scared that he somehow touched my vagina with precum on his hand even though he said he used the hand he kept away from himself. i have been worrying myself sick of pregnancy all week. i literally thought i felt symptoms the day after, ie. small cramps around uterus, nausea, fatigue. even though i’m pretty sure you can’t feel symptoms that early on.. but i’m pretty sure i was nauseous from the stress. it could be pms? i feel like i’m over analyzing every pinch, pain, and feeling and associating it with pregnancy, even though it could be pms. help :-( i forgot to mention i’m also a diagnosed hypochondria which makes me feel fake symptoms and over analyze. i am really stressed