Feeling down


Ok I don't know where to start...We live in an apartment and I know that comes with some problems. People problems. Finally we live on a top floor because we were tired of noise above us. They had little kids. There was nothing we could do but move. Now let me tell you I was so excited for our new place. It's just my husband, baby girl (who just started walking) and me. Here's where the problem starts...the second day we were here we get a call from the office saying the people below us has already complained that we are being to loud. Granted the night before we were still moving stuff in and it was 9:00 but on the weekend. That's the only time we had help. Honestly we are very considerate people and know how it feels to be the other half. We apologized to the office and to the people below. She is not a very personable person. All she did was sorta acknowledge us and went on her way. Just recently I joined a group on social media that lets you get to know other residents in our complex and I thought hey I can finally get involved and maybe make some friends because I'm a stay at home mommy. My heart sank when I saw the lady below us had posted about that night. She made it look so much worse than it was. For one she posted it at 11:36 PM and it said, "ughhh apartment living!! People just moved in up stairs and they are a herd of elephants!! #whoneedssleepanyways🙄" This is were I don't know what to do. I hate walking up the stairs in case of running into her. I feel like a prisoner in my own apartment. On top of that they have two very large and very loud dogs who bark all the time. I'm afraid to say anything because she had bad mouthed the lady below her for saying something about her dogs. I'm just very sad now. After being so happy I just need a little advice.