Sad but I wanted to share...


May 25th 2018 I found out I was pregnant after 5 months of trying.

We were so happy and hoping for a girl. The baby grew like normal but because of my insurance and no previous pregnancy complications I couldn't get an ultrasound til after 20 weeks aside from the initial confirmation ultrasound.

Everything is going great. Great heart beat, active little baby, loved (craved) anything in a tortilla and veggies and hated bacon. In late September I go in for an ultrasound and the nurse didn't tell me anything looked wrong so I assumed the baby was growing good. That same evening my doctor called me to tell me that the baby doesn't look like there's very much amniotic fluid, babies kidneys looked large and something about the head. I had to go see a specialist to do an ultrasound.

I found out I was having a baby boy but I also found out that my baby had MGS (Meckel Gruber Syndrome) and would not survive outside the womb.

After thinking it over about it all I chose to end the pregnancy. For me it would have been more heartbreaking to go full term knowing no matter what the results would be the same.

On Monday in October, I started the process which included having these things inserted that would expand to help dilate me and taking pills at start labor. I had to go back to the hospital the next morning to have the things(I can't remember what they were called) removed. After that it was just a waiting game. They gave me morphine for the pain. I forgot how much I hate the way morphine makes me feel, absolutely hate morphine. After a few hours of contractions I ask for an epidural to ease the pain enough to sleep, it was like 12-1 in the morning at this time. At about 5am I get the urge to pee. I don't know why but since my legs felt like that feeling when they fall asleep I thought I could walk myself. Big mistake! I fall when I try to stand and the baby and placenta come out. Luckily for me there was no complications with that. Had to get an xray just to make sure nothing got broke since I couldn't really feel my legs.

My beautiful 1 pound 7 ounce 14 inch baby boy. He was a perfect little boy. Born at 23+3 weeks on October 4th 2018